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Writer's pictureTucker Grose

$h!t Happens!

Week 4: Jan 27- Feb 2

Total mileage: 22.3

Monday: 9.27 miles in 78 minutes, Climbing, Yoga

Tuesday: 7 miles in 50 mins: warmup, 3mi tempo (6:50, 6:27, 6:15), cool down

Wednesday: Off/rest, climbing, yoga

Thursday: Sick

Friday: Sick

Saturday: Sick

Sunday 6.13 miles in 55 mins

The reality of a training block is this: Shit will happen. This week was a prime example of this in the purest sense of the word as I was violently struck with the stomach bug early in the AM on Thursday. This completely through off my weeks plan but as I have learned in many training blocks, you need to roll with the punches. One day or one week do not make a training block so it is not worth stressing over 1, 2 or even 3 missed training days.

The week started off on track, I got in some good mileage on Monday with my trip to Hope House in South Boston for BOMF, a great run with some new friends. Tuesday, I went to Heartbreaker office hours in Cambridge and did the 3 mile tempo option, good to feel some speed in the legs again and had a good chat with Stephen Bourguet about CIM, training and the new weekly workout he will be running in Cambridge "Speed Central". Wednesday was a planned off day, I got in some rock climbing and yoga and actually thought about running anyways and skipping the rest day but decided to follow the plan I had designed for myself.. Little did I know later on that night I was going to come down with an absolute demon virus. Really tested how few steps one can get in a day by spending the entirety of the day going back and forth from the bed to couch to bathroom. Despite symptoms lessening on Friday, having lost almost 10 pound and not having an appetite I was down for the count. Finally, I was able to start eating somewhat regularly again on Saturday afternoon and had enough energy on Saturday to go for a couple walks which gave me the confidence to get a run in on Sunday. I absolutely dragged myself through 6 miles on the river, did not feel great but was nice to be moving again. All in all, it was a setback but not much to do about it, going to ease the mileage back up and hopefully be back on track in 3-4 weeks.

The temptation for us runners is to get right back to the scheduled training plans, but the reality is if you miss any length of time you are putting yourself at a higher risk of injury by going right back to the same mileage/intensity. Building back up steadily is how you avoid injury and allow your body to readapt to the training load. If nothing else, being so sick for 2-3 days is a good reminder to really appreciate good health when you have it and not take it for granted!

Sadie was a great companion while I was sick, couch buddies.

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