Book Recommendations
Born to Run - By Christopher McDougall: A must read for anyone interested in running
Let Your Mind Run - By Deena Kastor and Michelle Hamilton: The best resource for runners looking to improve their mental game
Eat and Run - By Scott Jurek: A fantastic read about the backstory of arguably the greatest ultra-runner ever
Finding Ultra - By Rich Roll: A front row seat to stunning life transformation
Inside a Marathon - By Scott Fauble and Ben Rosario: An incredible view into the daily training of an elite marathoner
Podcast Recommendations
Rich Roll Podcast - Rich is a fantastic interviewer who brings on guests with a variety of backgrounds from endurance athletes to musicians and entrepreneurs to doctors
The Morning Shakeout Podcast - With running coach extraordinaire Mario Fraioli
For The Long Run - Jonathan Levitt
KoopCast - Jason Koop
Ultra Running Podcast - Eric Schranz
I'll Have Another With Lindsey Hein
Rambling Runner Podcast - Matt Chittim